Wednesday 25 April 2007

The Shows i watched as a kid - episode 1

Now this was a well known fact in my family that MacGyver was my favourite show. My globe trotting Aunt would send us a postcard every few months and she would always address it personally to my parents, my brother, my sister and Mrs Macgyver.

Once, many years after my obsession subsided she sent me a cut out picture of the man in question from a trashy magazine, i laughed and threw it away, or did i secretly keep it for my hope chest? (edit. you don't have a hope chest) or put it safely in the silver locket i always wear around my neck? (edit. um you don't have one of those either).

LAME - i was so lame.

The one epsiode i remember having the greatest significance involved a trip to South America and HUGE human eating ants. My husband survived by making himself a shiny plastic yellow suit out of ah shiny yellow plastic.

Now it has been a good 10-15 years since i have watched an episode and now that they are available on DVD i have contemplated watching it, but i can't seem to bring myself to do it. I don't want to tarnish my memories.

As an adult would I actually be able to see how ridiculous this show was?

Surely not?? surely yes.

Case closed.

1 comment:

test said...

Are you serious?? Giant ants? I thought this show was based in reality..
I can see why that would stay with you..