Thursday 19 April 2007

pedestrian crossings are for pedestrians only

a tale of car vs push bike..

September 6th 2006. I was on my way home from work, riding a bicycle for about the 5th time in 12 years, when i thought i would safely cross the road by using a pedestrian crossing.

Alas, it was not that safe. Being an inexperienced rider and I'm sure a dorky one at that, i failed to get off the bike and walk it across the crossing. Instead i simply peddled twice and rolled across the road at about walking pace (an illegal act apparently).

To my shock and horror the driver of an approaching car did not see me. Being both smart and ultra cool i saw him first, so i quickly peddled twice which meant that when the car hit me it actually just smashed into the back third of the bike and made me do a 180 and land on the road, with my shoulder taking the majority of the impact.

Did my life flash before my eyes? ah no

But i do distinctly remember when i realised he was about to hit me that everything went super slow and i actually said out loud "oh my god". I wonder if anyone heard me? And i wonder if to them the "oh my god' sounded super slow mo style, like it did to me.

I got to ride in an ambulance which was actually surprisingly stark inside. I was expecting bells and whistles, or maybe just flashing lights, beeping and machinery (or do i mean equipment?)

Have you ever worn a neck brace? I don't recommend it, not if you want to be able to see anything other than pretty much directly up. The roof of RPA Emergency is really quite ugly.

Have you ever had a spinal exam? I definitely don't recommend it. The doctor told me he would have to get some nurses to roll me on my side so he could feel down my spine and then stick his finger up my arse. Yes that is what he said.

I had partaken in some pain killers by this stage so i thought he was joking or i was hallucinating. I was wrong. Tori tells me that she saw him 'lube' up so she patted my leg, i didn't notice i was only aware of the nurse holding my head who was saying 'okay here we go, it'll be over in a second'. Ah joy, it was over in a second.

Have you ever been flat on your back, being x-rayed and been absolutely busting for the loo? Now this I 150,000% do not recommend. Lets say it did happen, then i should imagine if you pleaded that you couldn't hold it anymore someone would rush off and grab six or seven nurses to turn you on your side and pull down your pants and roll you back onto a pan so you could pee. I'm not saying it happened, it's just a hypothetical. Who am i kidding of course it happened.

I also had to pay a $50 fine for ridding my bike across the crossing even though i argued that i would of been hit even if i was walking as i saw the driver and he was not looking. Apparently there was no evidence or witnesses to support that so i had to pay.

Anyway, all is okay now. I'm all good. I basically stuffed my shoulder and bruised my leg really bad, but they are both pretty much fine now.

So the moral to the story is. Pedestrian crossings are lame and scary. Beware!

1 comment:

test said...

um, far be it to laugh but the image of tori patting you as she knows what is about to be done to you is gold..
prob not worth the pain though..